Warner Bros. Discovery planning to crackdown on Max password sharing

Max will gradually implement its password-sharing restrictions over the next few months, initially using a soft approach to inform users about the upcoming changes. Warner Bros. Discovery’s CFO, Gunnar Wiedenfels, revealed during the company’s Q3 earnings call that the initial phase will be followed by more significant steps in 2025 and 2026.
Wiedenfels called password sharing “a form of price rises,” as the company is “asking members who have not signed up, or multi-household members to pay a little bit more.” This isn’t the first time we’ve heard about Max’s interest in password sharing, but now we have more details about when — and how — it will all begin.
In March, JB Perrette, Warner Bros. Discovery’s head of global streaming and games, said Max would start its crackdown “later this year and into ‘25.” So far, Max’s rollout sounds similar to how Disney Plus began its crackdown, as it started sending emails to customers about paid sharing months before it rolled out its “extra member” option. Netflix also started asking that members pay to share their passwords last year.
MacDailyNews Note: During the conference call, Warner Bros. Discovery said that Max added 7.2 million subscribers in the third quarter, bringing its total to 110.5 million globally.
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