Apple plans to make AirPods in India

This year Apple began manufacturing iPhone Pro models in India for the first time. Next year it intends commencing manufacture of AirPods in India, even as local government pushes for it to make more products there.

In the background Apple and partners continue to make huge investments in manufacturing facilities and critical infrastructure required to support manufacture in India. This includes arrangements to create logistics zones in airports and more.

Getting set for business

Key manufacturer Foxconn has already begun trial manufacture of AirPods at its new factory near Hyderabad, with manufacturing set to begin in earnest in the first quarter of 2025, reports claim.

In truth, the move has brewing for some time – I first came across speculation Apple was thinking about AirPods manufacture a couple of years ago, but each journey consists of numerous steps and the end of that road only now seems in reach.

This won’t be the only Apple product – or Apple component to be made in India. Apple is also working with its suppliers to pour more component manufacturing factories there, which is of course essential if the company intends widening its manufacturing facilities there.

Opening up ME

What’s interesting about the move to manufacturing in India is that it is being coupled with constant stimulation of consumer focused sales there, a move which continues to have a big impact.

This also means that other nearby markets appear to be becoming more tempting to the company, including recent commitments to open up its business in Saudi Arabia.

In the medium term, we now think Apple plans to raise iPhone production to 26% in India, even as its business there also enters rapid growth. Apple plans to increase manufacturing capacity in India fivefold in the coming years, a 2023 report claimed. That latter report seems pretty solid, based on the events we’ve seen since.

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