Apple reiterates: Siri data has never been sold or used for marketing purposes

Just days after settling a lawsuit alleging otherwise, Apple reaffirmed on Wednesday that it has never sold data collected by its Siri voice assistant or used it to build marketing profiles.
The iPhone maker last week paid $95 million to settle a class action lawsuit in which plaintiffs alleged it routinely recorded their private conversations after they activated Siri unintentionally, and disclosed these conversations to third parties such as advertisers.
The company denied those claims and did not admit to them in its settlement last week, in which tens of millions of Apple customers may receive up to $20 per Siri-enabled device, such as iPhones and Apple Watches.
“Apple has never used Siri data to build marketing profiles, never made it available for advertising, and never sold it to anyone for any purpose,” Apple said on Wednesday.
MacDailyNews Note: Read Apple’s “Siri, Dictation & Privacy” document, which states in part — “When you use Siri, your device will indicate in Siri Settings if the things you say are processed on your device and not sent to Apple servers. Otherwise, your audio is sent to and processed on Apple servers. Unless you opt in to Improve Siri and Dictation, your audio data is not stored by Apple” – here.
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