‘Severance’ season one alone generated more than $200 million for Apple TV+

Hit Apple TV+ series “Severance” made its long-awaited second season debut last Friday and research from Parrot Analytics has found that the first season generated more than $200 million for Apple.
Parrot came to these figures via its Content Valuation methodology, which uses a formula to correlate audience demand with subscribers and therefore revenue.
According to Parrot, Severance is doing well compared with Apple hits like Slow Horses and The Morning Show. The former generated $184.8M during a similar timeframe to Severance Season 1, while the latter made $299.4M but across a much longer period of time. From Q3 2020 to Q3 2024, Ted Lasso, which has been teasing a fourth season, generated a whopping $609.4M, Parrot said.
MacDailyNews Take: According to the Parrot data, Goldbart writes that “when looking at the 28 days leading into the upcoming season, Severance Season 2 now compares favorably to rival hits such as Cobra Kai, The Mandalorian and The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power.
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[Thanks to MacDailyNews Reader “Fred Mertz” for the heads up.]
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