Indonesian iPhone 16 ban could end soon

Indonesia is nearing an agreement with Apple regarding an investment plan that could end the prohibition on iPhone 16 sales in the nation, as stated by a government minister. The largest country in Southeast Asia imposed a sales ban on the device in October, citing Apple’s non-compliance with local manufacturing mandates for smartphones and tablets. Apple has been engaged in negotiations with the government to propose an investment package that would remove these restrictions.
“I strongly believe it will resolve very, very soon,” Investment Minister Rosan Roeslani said in an interview with Bloomberg Television in Davos on Tuesday. “Hopefully within one or two weeks this issue can be resolved.”
Apple’s latest $1 billion offer for one of its suppliers to set up a plant to produce airtags in the country was rejected by the Minister for Industry Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita, Bloomberg reported in January. He told… the US company needed to fulfill a local regulation that requires it to make part of its iPhone, or the iPhone’s components, onshore.
“The way they calculate it is different I think,” Roeslani said, referring to the local content requirement. “Now they find a solution on that one, so hopefully they accept the discrepancies so we can have the iPhone 16 sold in Indonesia.”
MacDailyNews Take: May the recalculations lead to a resolution!
This is how the game is played. If Apple wants access to a lucrative market, the lucrative market can (and should) demand something in return. So, the negotiations continue. – MacDailyNews, December 3, 2024
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