Solutions to Saturday Mac riddles 292

I hope that you enjoyed Saturday’s Mac Riddles, episode 292. Here are my solutions to them.

1: Paul’s creator of an errand boy now forty years old but dead for twenty-four of them.

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Paul’s (Paul Brainerd was the founder of Aldus Corporation, its developer) creator (a maker) of an errand boy (a page) now forty years old (released in July 1985) but dead for twenty-four of them (it was bought by competitor Adobe and killed in 2001, in favour of InDesign).

2: Drawing without aid came three years later, only to suffer the same fate.

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Drawing without aid (freehand) came three years later (it was released in 1988), only to suffer the same fate (although it escaped Adobe until 2005, it was then killed in favour of Illustrator).

3: Lovers’ quarrel over thousands of incompatible file formats from an Italian printer.

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Lovers’ quarrel (a tiff) over thousands of incompatible file formats (a popular joke explanation of its name, which actually comes from Tag Image File Format) from an Italian printer (TIFF was originally developed by Aldus Corporation, which was named after the famous Italian printer Aldus Pius Manutius, c 1449/52-1515).

The common factor

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They were all products of Aldus Corporation, and played key roles in Desktop Publishing, a term probably originated by its founder Paul Brainerd.

I look forward to your putting alternative cases.