Google Pixel 4a’s painful “update” was due to battery overheating risk


Google didn’t explain exactly why it shipped a mandatory software update to the Pixel 4a, an Android phone from 2020, earlier this year. The nature of that update, which gave some models all but unusable battery life, provided some clues, as did later software analysis. But now, Australian authorities have provided a more concrete answer: battery overheating and fire risk.

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission’s (ACCC) Product Safety arm issued a recall for the Pixel 4a late last week. The reason, the commission said, is that Google’s firmware update and battery changes served to “mitigate the risk of overheating” because “an overheating battery could pose a risk of fire and/or burns to a user.”

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In the US and elsewhere, Google’s messaging did not use the term “recall.” Google stated on its “Pixel 4a Battery Performance Program” page that “certain” Pixel 4a models “require a software update to improve the stability of their battery’s performance,” which also “reduces available battery capacity and impacts charging performance.” Google said it is still safe to charge a Pixel 4a.

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