Apple blasts EU antitrust regulators upon being ordered to open up to rivals


On Wednesday, EU antitrust authorities directed Apple to grant rivals access to its ecosystem, providing specific instructions on how to comply with the bloc’s regulations. They also warned that failure to adhere could trigger an investigation and penalties. This decision from the European Commission follows six months after it initiated specification proceedings to enforce Apple’s compliance with the Digital Markets Act (DMA).


The first EU order requires Apple to give rival makers of smartphones, headphones and virtual reality headsets access to its technology and mobile operating system so they can connect with iPhones and iPads seamlessly.

The second EU order sets out a detailed process and timeline for Apple to respond to interoperability requests from app developers.

Apple slammed the EU order, saying it would hurt users and help its rivals.

“Today’s decisions wrap us in red tape, slowing down Apple’s ability to innovate for users in Europe and forcing us to give away our new features for free to companies who don’t have to play by the same rules,” the company said in an email. “It’s bad for our products and for our European users. We will continue to work with the European Commission to help them understand our concerns on behalf of our users.”

Apple could face an investigation if regulators subsequently find that it has not followed through on the order that could lead to a fine as much as 10% of its global annual sales.

MacDailyNews Take: The day the EU is entitled to 10% of Apple’s global annual sales – ludicrous – is the day Europeans can further handicap themselves with inferior Android dreck forevermore.

The U.S. has leverage and recourse. We expect both to be used.

See also: President Trump says Apple CEO Tim Cook called to complain about EU’s $17 billion in fines – October 17, 2024

The European Union arose because the Europeans couldn’t compete on their own with the rest of the world, so they each lined up to surrender their national sovereignty, unique cultures, and dignity for an undemocratic, opaque, wasteful, bloated, bureaucratic quasi-governmental blob – and, even with the EU’s thumbs all over the scale, they still can’t compete.MacDailyNews, March 4, 2024

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