Better security means less recoverability


In the last couple of weeks I’ve been asked to help recover data lost when files have been accidentally deleted, and an internal SSD has been wiped remotely using Find My Mac. What we perhaps haven’t fully appreciated is how improved security protection in our Macs has made it far harder, if not impossible, to recover such lost data. Allow me to explain in three scenarios.

Lost files on a hard disk

When files are deleted from a hard disk, the file system marks them as no longer being in use, and they’re left in place on the hard disk until they need to be overwritten with fresh data. If the hard disk has ample free space, that could occur days, weeks or even months later. Data recovery software and services can be used to scan each storage block and try to reconstruct the original files. If the file system and its data are encrypted, the encryption key is required to enable the contents to be decrypted.

There’s extensive experience in such data recovery, and provided the disk isn’t physically damaged or malfunctioning, results can be surprisingly good. As services charge according to the amount of data they recover, there are also strong incentives.

This works both ways, of course, in that someone who gets access to that hard disk could also recover files from it if they’re unencrypted. For this reason, when you’re passing on or disposing of a hard disk, you should perform a secure erase to overwrite its entire contents. If it’s going for recycling, once that has been done, you should also render the disk unusable by physically damaging its platters.

Deleted files on an SSD

What happens on an SSD depends on whether there’s already a snapshot of that volume. If there is, and that snapshot includes the deleted files, the file system metadata for them is retained in that snapshot, and the storage containing their data is also retained. The files can then be recovered by mounting that snapshot and either reverting the whole volume to that earlier state, or copying those files to a different volume.

If there’s no prior snapshot containing the files, the file system marks their extents as being free for reuse. At some time after their deletion, that information is sent to the SSD in a Trim command. When the SSD next has a moment to perform its routine housekeeping, the physical storage used will then be erased ready to be written to again.

Although there’s some uncertainty as to when that Trim command will be sent to the SSD, one time that we know that supported SSDs are Trimmed is during mounting, in the case of an internal SSD when that Mac starts up. So if your Mac has started up since the files were deleted, those files are most likely to have been completely erased from its internal SSD. With their erasure, chances of ever recovering those files have gone.

Wiped Data volume

Macs with T2 or Apple silicon chips have an ingenious method of ‘wiping’ the entire contents of the Data volume when it’s encrypted on the internal SSD. This can be triggered using the Erase All Content and Settings (EACAS) feature in the Transfer or Reset item in General settings, or remotely via Find My Mac. Either way, this destroys the ‘effaceable key’ and the ability to decrypt the contents of the Data volume, even if it’s not additionally protected by FileVault. As Apple states: “Erasing the key in this manner renders all files cryptographically inaccessible.”

This is to ensure that if your Mac is stolen, no one can recover the contents of its internal SSD once it has been wiped in this way. Nearly a year ago there were claims that old data could re-appear afterwards, but those turned out to be false.

I’m afraid that the only way to recover the data from a volume wiped using EACAS or Find My Mac is to restore it from a backup.

Backups are more important

For Intel Macs with T2 chips, and Apple silicon Macs, the chances of being able to recover files from their internal SSDs have become diminishingly small. This makes it all the more important that you make and keep good and comprehensive backups of everything in your Mac’s Data volume.

I’m always sad to hear of those who have suffered data loss, and shocked to learn of how many still don’t keep backups.

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