Facebook’s New iPhone App Feature Turns the Clock Back to 2007


In the mid-to-late 2000s, Facebook was all about staying connected with friends and family. However, as the social media platform added new features and grew over time, that core experience began to get drowned out.

That changes starting now, according to Meta, which today introduced a new feature that will “bring back the joy” of classic Facebook.

Specifically, Meta has redesigned the Friends tab on Facebook to focus on the “magic of friends.” The page now shows content from only your Facebook friends, with no recommended content or other distractions. The tab will show your friends’ posts, reels, birthdays, and more, and it will continue to show your friend requests too.

Until now, the Friends tab only showed your friends requests and people you may know.

The updated Friends tab is rolling out starting today in the U.S. and Canada, so you might not see it right away. The redesigned page appears to be a server-side change, with no update required, but installing the latest version of the app doesn’t hurt. To access the tab, tap on your profile picture in the bottom-right corner, and select Friends.

You can pin the Friends tab, so that it is easily accessible from the bottom navigation bar. To do so, tap on your profile picture in the bottom-right corner, and then select Settings & Privacy → Settings → Tab bar → Customize the bar.

Meta promises to introduce other classic Facebook features throughout the year.

Tags: Facebook, Meta

This article, “Facebook’s New iPhone App Feature Turns the Clock Back to 2007” first appeared on MacRumors.com

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