Now you can learn a new language by playing karaoke



Forget boring language classes and apps—there’s a new way to learn Spanish, French, or Chinese that’s actually fun. Beelinguapp is a language-learning app that won’t have you doing boring grammar drills but reading short stories and playing karaoke. 

Picture side-by-side text of childhood fairy tales, science papers, or the news in both English and your new language so you can pick up a new tongue without becoming bored to tears. Get a Beelinguapp lifetime subscription for iOS or Android for $34.99 with code TAKE5 at checkout (reg. $100) through September 29.  

You can select audiobooks in 14 different languages. Enjoy stories in German, Italian, Russian, or Japanese, and be sure to play some karaoke as you follow along to work on your pronunciation skills.

Reading and listening to new words is proven to increase your language comprehension skills. So, you know, it’s a little more effective than flashcards or sitting through those high school classes.

Learn a new language the fun way with Beelinguapp, now $34.99 with code TAKE5 at checkout (reg. $100) through September 29 at 11:59 p.m. PT. No coupon is needed for this 65% discount.

Want to check out other language-learning apps and courses? Shop our full collection.


Beelinguapp Language Learning App: Lifetime Subscription – $34.99

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