Should you pay a premium price for a bigger internal SSD?
With more new M4 Macs in the offing, one question that I’m asked repeatedly is whether you should save money by getting a Mac with the smallest internal SSD and extend that using cheaper external storage. This article considers the pros and cons.
Size and prices
In Apple’s current M4 models, the smallest internal storage on offer is 256 GB. For the great majority, that’s barely adequate if you don’t install any of your own apps. It might suffice in some circumstances, for example if you work largely from shared storage, but for a standalone Mac it won’t be sufficient in five years time. Your starting point should therefore be a minimum of 512 GB internal SSD. Apple’s typical charge for increasing that to 2 TB is around $/€/£ 600.
The alternative to 2 TB internally would be an external 2 TB SSD. Unless you’re prepared to throw it away after three years, you’ll want to choose the most versatile interface that’s also backward compatible. The only choice here is Thunderbolt 5, which currently comes at a small premium over USB4 or Thunderbolt 3. Two TB would currently cost you $/€/£ 380-400, although those prices are likely to reduce in the coming months as TB5 SSDs come into greater supply.
Don’t be tempted to skimp with a USB 3.2 Gen 2 external SSD if that’s going to be your main storage. While it might seem a reasonable economy now, in 3-5 years time you’ll regret it. Besides, it may well have severe limitations in not Trimming as standard, and most don’t support SMART health indicators.
Thus, your expected saving by buying a Mac with only 512 GB internal storage, and providing 2 TB main storage on an external SSD, is around $/€/£ 200-220, and that’s really the only advantage in not paying Apple’s high price for an internal 2 TB SSD.
Upgrading internal storage in an Apple silicon model currently isn’t feasible for most users. As Apple doesn’t support such upgrades, they’re almost certain to invalidate its warranty and any AppleCare+ cover. That could change in the future, at least for some models like the Mac mini and Studio, but I think it unlikely that Apple would ever make an upgrade cheaper than initial purchase.
External boot disk
One of the few compelling reasons for choosing a Mac with minimal internal storage is when it’s going to be started up from an external boot disk. Because Apple silicon Macs must always start their boot process from their internal storage, and that Mac still needs Recovery and other features on its internal SSD, you can’t run entirely from an external SSD, but you could probably get away with the smallest available for its other specifications, either 256 or 512 GB.
Apple silicon Macs are designed to start up and run from their internal storage. Unlike Intel Macs with T2 chips, they will still boot from an external disk with Full Security, but there are several disadvantages in them doing so. Among those are the fact that, on an external boot disk, FileVault encryption isn’t performed in hardware and is inherently less secure, and AI isn’t currently supported when booted from an external disk. Choosing to do that thus involves compromises that you might not want to be stuck with throughout the lifetime of that Mac.
External media libraries
Regardless of the capacity of a Mac’s internal storage, it’s popular to store large media libraries on external storage, and for many that’s essential. This needs to be planned carefully: some libraries are easier to relocate than others, and provision has to be made for their backups. If you use hourly Time Machine backups for your working folders, you’ll probably want to back up external media libraries less frequently, and to different external storage.
External Home folder
Although it remains possible to relocate a user’s entire Home folder to external storage, this seems to have become more tricky in recent versions of macOS. Home folders also contain some of the most active files, particularly those in ~/Library, so moving them to an external SSD is going to require its good performance.
A more flexible alternative is to extend some working folders to external storage, while retaining the Home folder on internal storage. This can fit well with backup schedules, but you will still need to ensure the whole Home folder is backed up sufficiently frequently. This does have an unfortunate side-effect in privacy protection: this may require most of your working apps to be given access to Removable Volumes in the Files & Folders item in Privacy & Security settings. Thankfully, that should only need to be performed once when first using an app with external storage.
How much free space do you need?
When you’re weighing up your options to minimise the size of your new Mac’s internal storage, you also need to allow sufficient free space on each disk. APFS is very different from HFS+ in this respect: on external disks, in particular, HFS+ continues to work happily with just a few MB free, and could be filled almost to capacity. APFS, modern macOS and SSDs don’t work like that.
Measuring how much free space is needed isn’t straightforward either, as macOS trims back on its usage in response to falling free space. Some key features, such as retaining log entries, are sacrificed to allow others to continue. Snapshots can be removed or not made. Perhaps the best measurements come from observing the space requirements of VMs, where total virtual disk space much below 50 GB impairs running of normal functions. That’s the total size of the virtual disk, not the amount of free space, and doesn’t apply when iCloud or AI are enabled.
The other indicator of minimum free space requirements is for successful upgrading of macOS, which appears to be somewhere between 30-40 GB. This makes it preferable to keep an absolute minimum of around 50 GB free at all times. When possible, 100 GB gives more room for comfort.
SSD wear and performance
When the first M1 Macs were released, base models with just 8 GB of memory and 128 GB internal SSDs were most readily available, with custom builds (BTO) following later. As a result, many of those who set out to assess Apple’s new Macs ended up stress-testing those with inadequate memory and storage for the tasks they ran.
Many noticed rapid changes in their SSD wear indicators, and some were getting worryingly close to the end of their expected working life after just three years. Users also reported that SSD performance was falling. The reasons for those are that SSDs work best, age slowest, and remain fastest when they have ample free space. One common rule of thumb is to keep at least 20-25% of SSD capacity as free space, although evidence is largely empirical, and in places confused.
The simplest factor to understand is the effect of SSD size on wear. As the memory in an SSD is expected to last a fixed number of erase-write cycles, all other things being equal, writing and rewriting the same amount of data to a smaller SSD will reach that number more quickly. Thus, in general terms and under the same write load, a 512 GB SSD will last about half as long as a 1 TB SSD.
All other things aren’t equal, though, and that’s where wear levelling and Trim come into play. Without levelling the number of erase-write cycles across all the memory in an SSD, some would reach their limit far sooner than others. To tackle that, SSDs incorporate mechanisms to even out the use of individual memory cells, as wear levelling. The less free space available on an SSD, the less effective wear levelling can be, giving larger SSDs a significant advantage if they also have more free space.
Trimming is performed periodically to allow storage that has already been made available for reuse, for example when a file has been deleted, to be erased and made ready. Both APFS and HFS+ will Trim compatible SSDs when mounting a volume, but Trim support for external SSDs is only provided by default for those with NVMe interfaces, not SATA, and isn’t available for other file systems including ExFAT. Some SSDs may still be able to process available storage in their routine housekeeping, but others won’t. Without Trimming, an SSD gradually fills with unused memory waiting to be erased, and will steadily grind to a halt, with write speeds falling to about 10% of new.
Thus, to ensure optimum performance and working life, SSDs should be as large as possible, with much of their storage kept free. Experience suggests that a healthy amount of free space is 20-50% of their capacity.
Striking the best compromise
Apple silicon Macs work best and fastest when largely running from their internal SSDs. By all means reduce the capacity required by moving more static media libraries, and possibly large working folders, to an external SSD. But there’s no escaping the evidence that your Mac will work best and longest when its internal storage has a minimum of 20% free at all times, and you must ensure that never falls below 50 GB free space. Finally, consider your needs not today, but when you intend replacing that Mac in 3-5 years time, or any savings made now will prove a false economy.