Justice Clarence Thomas wants to rein in ‘Big Tech liability shield’ — Apple World Today


The study showed that Americans are concerned about how these companies handle personal information and how their size and influence limits competition and innovation. For example, 71% were concerned about how Facebook handles personal data. Forty-nine percent said Amazon intentionally stifles competition; 41% said the same about Apple. 

However, even though Americans have concerns, most didn’t support breaking up these companies. When asked their level of agreement with the statement: “Because of the way Facebook limits competition and uses personal information, government should break up Facebook,” only 34% agreed.

In second place was Google with 25% agreeing that government should break it up, followed closely by Amazon at 24%, Uber and Apple at 22%, and Microsoft at 20%.

While people were generally averse to break-ups, they were more likely to agree that “government should regulate” Big Tech. Appetite for regulation was, on average, more than 10 percentage points higher than willingness to break up these companies.

With respect to breaks-ups, there were no significant differences between those who identify politically as Democrats, Republicans or Independents.


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