Apple lobbies U.S. government for tax breaks to support domestic chip production — Apple World Today


In second– and third-quarter disclosure reports, the tech giant said it lobbied officials from the Treasury Department, Congress and the White House on tax topics including “issues related to tax credits for domestic semiconductor production.” Apple’s U.S. lobbying efforts are now mostly led by company veteran Tim Powderly, who was promoted around the time Cynthia Hogan, Apple’s prior top U.S. lobbyist, left to join former vice president Joe Biden’s campaign.

As noted by AppleInsider, a U.S. Senate document published this week reveals the tech giant spent spent some $1.56 million in the third quarter of 2020 to lobby lawmakers on a variety of issues including the coronavirus pandemic, taxes, autonomous vehicles, and more.

(Dennis Sellers has been covering the Apple industry since 1996. In addition to“Apple World Today,” he also runs his own freelance writing/editing service. If you want more info about the latter, email him at


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