Apple patent filing involves adjustable, durable windows for an ‘Apple Car’ — Apple World Today


The tech giant wants to make durable windows with multiple features. What sort of features? The ability to electronically adjust a sunroof or implement an electrically adjustable shade for a side, front, or rear window.

As I’ve said before, I don’t foresee Apple making a full-fledged automobile from scratch. Instead, I think it will work with current auto manufacturers to implement  the MANY automobile technologies on which it’s working.

Here’s the summary of the patent filing: “A window may have a structural window layer such as a structural window layer formed from laminated glass layers. A thin chemically strengthened glass layer may be coupled to an inwardly facing surface of the structural window layer. A guest-host liquid crystal light modulator layer or other electrically adjustable optical component layer may be interposed between the chemically strengthened glass layer and the structural window layer. An infrared light-blocking coating may be formed on an inwardly facing surface of one of the pair of laminated glass layers. The inwardly facing surface of the thin chemically strengthened glass layer may be provided with a coating that includes a low emissivity layer to block heat and that serves as an antireflection coating.”


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