The Grip2ü BOOST iPhone 12 has the perfect amount of ‘stretchy’ and a nice kickstand — Apple World Today


The best part about the Grip2ü is, hands-down, the strap. The stretchy rubber strap on the back is slightly recessed so that my phone can still lay flat on a table, but allows me to hold the phone in a more ergonomical way. It fits my small hands great, but my husband can use it with his large hands, too. It seems to be just the right amount of stretchy. Since the iPhone 12 is heavier than some other models, having the strap is nice as it allows you to hold it more comfortably. 

Another nice feature of the Grip2ü  — especially if you are one of those people who gives your kid a cell phone at a restaurant table — is the kickstand. The small (roughly 1-inch square) plastic piece is sturdy enough that I don’t feel it will break off. It pops out to allow the phone to stand on its own quite nicely, but pops back in flush with the iPhone.

The case fits very snuggly to the phone. It’s not so snug that it is impossible to get on and off, but is snug enough that I chose to take it off over carpet just in case my iPhone 12 goes flying.

The only downside I’ve found with the Grip2ü is that the button covers are very stiff. It takes quite the thumb strength to press the side buttons of the phone with the case on. I’m hopeful this will loosen up over time, but, in the meantime, I anticipate macho man thumbs.

Apple World Today Rating (out of 5 stars): ★★★★


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