An Apple Store App Easter egg to get you in the holiday spirit — Apple World Today


One time-honored tradition at Apple is placing an Easter egg in an app or even the firmware of a device. Wikipedia describes these as “a message, image, or feature hidden in a video game, film, or other, usually in electronics, medium”. For example, some early Macs in the 1980s had a bitmapped photo of the Mac development team in firmware that could be accessed by typing a special code. The tradition continues today with a fun Easter egg in the Apple Store App.

Launch the app and enter “let it snow” in the search field at the top of the screen. Immediately, light gray “snowflakes” begin falling at random all over the screen. The effect continues as long as you have the app open.

Fortunately, the snow doesn’t pile up, nor does it need to be shoveled. Enjoy this Easter egg and let it get you into the spirit of the Christmas holiday!


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