CFBundleIdentifier Collision Fixer 1.0.2 Released on Mac App Store prMac


[] Fremont, California – .com Solutions Inc. announces the release of CFBundleIdentifier Fixer 1.0.2, now available on the Mac App Store. CFBundleIdentifier Fixer instantly solves CFBundleIdentifier collision errors before uploading apps using the Apple Transporter app. A macOS developer only needs to Drag & Drop their app onto the processing button of the app to prevent this annoying problem.

Some development environments (including: LiveCode, Unity, Xamarin and Unreal Engine) build apps containing standard library bundles within the standalone app. These bundles contain plist files having their own individual CFBundleIdentifier values. However the Mac App Store requires CFBundleIdentifier values to be unique across all of the apps which have been added to the store by any developer. Otherwise you will get the error CFBundleIdentifier Collision from the Transporter app.

How to fix? The solution is straightforward, just use the CFBundleIdentifier for the main app as a prefix for the CFBundleIdentifier values within each enclosed bundle plist file. It is tedious to make these changes manually every time you build a new app. The CFBundleIdentifier Fixer app makes this process as simple as dragging and dropping the new app.

The application contents are traversed looking for all enclosed bundles and the associated plist files are automatically updated. If the application plist files have already been updated, it won’t be processed a 2nd time, and this information will be shown in the results field.

Usage Instructions:
1) Launch the CFBundleIdentifer Fixer.
2) Drag & Drop the app you want to fix onto the application processing button.
3) The embedded bundle plist files will be updated and the results displayed in the Results field.
4) After fixing the CFBundleIdentifiers within an app, your app will need to be digitally signed. You may use command line commands or automated tools like App Wrapper to perform this signing.

System Requirements:
* iPhone and iPod touch
* Requires macOS 10.11 or later
* 10.8 MB

Pricing and Availability:
CFBundleIdentifier Fixer 1.0.2 is priced at $9.95 USD (or equivalent amount in other currencies) and available worldwide exclusively through the App Store in the Developer Tools category. For more information, please contact David Simpson.

Founded in 1999 by David Simpson in Sunny California, .com Solutions Inc. develops multi-platform graphical applications supporting FileMaker Pro, SQLite, Oracle, MySQL, Access, SQL Server, Sybase, DB2, PostgreSQL, LiveCode and Visual FoxPro developers. FmPro Script Diff, compares and edits FileMaker Pro scripts. SQLite Diff compares SQLite database schema and data. Copyright (C) 1999-2021 .com Solutions Inc. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo and macOS platforms are trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.


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