Netflix won’t offer an app for Apple Vision Pro

Apple Vision Pro

Netflix won’t have a dedicated app for the Apple Vision Pro headset which will be available beginning Friday, February 2nd, at all U.S. Apple Store locations and the U.S. Apple Store online. Instead, Netflix subscribers can simply use the Safari web browser. Pre-orders for Apple Vision Pro begin Friday, January 19th, at 8am EST / 5am PST.

Mark Gurman for Bloomberg News:

Rather than design a Vision Pro app — or even just support its existing iPad app on the platform — Netflix said in a statement that users interested in watching its content on the device can do so from the web.

It’s a sizable omission for the $3,499 headset, which debuts on Feb. 2. Apple is banking on entertainment content to help market the nascent and pricey technology, and Netflix is a must-have streaming service for many consumers. Netflix also offers apps for Apple’s other devices, including the iPhone and iPad, though it doesn’t participate in the company’s TV app.

The Vision Pro will run two main types of apps: new software written specifically for the device’s interface or existing iPad applications… The fact that Netflix isn’t even willing to support the iPad approach suggests that it’s taking a wait-and-see stance with the headset. It’s also a bit of a reversal for the company, which said in July that it would support its iPad app on the Vision Pro. Even then, though, Netflix didn’t plan to release software specifically for the headset’s operating system, visionOS.

MacDailyNews Take: Netflix wants as much customer tracking and other data as it can get. Apple’s App Store gives users too much control of their personal data for Netflix’s liking. That why Netflix doesn’t work in Apple’s otherwise comprehensive TV app.

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