BetterDisplay 2.2.1 – Unlock your displays on your Mac.

BetterDisplay (formerly BetterDummy) is a truly wonderful tool! It let’s you convert your displays to fully scalable screens, allows brightness control, provides XDR/HDR upscaling (extra brightness beyond 100% on compatible displays), full dimming to black, helps you create and manage virtual displays (dummies) for your Mac, create Picture in Picture windows of your displays and gives you a host of other features to manage your display’s settings easily from the menu bar.


Convert your internal and natively connected external displays to smoothly-scaled HiDPI displays on Apple Silicon – now even without mirroring a dummy (displays with notch, HDR, HDCP, high refresh rate fully supported)! (Pro)
Reach the full brightness potential of your XDR or HDR display! (Pro)
Change the display’s brightness, volume and colors via software and hardware (DDC) control via sliders and native or custom keyboard shortcuts!
Create custom HiDPI resolutions for real displays manually and redefine certain system display parameters!
Create any number of dummies (virtual screens) with varying aspect ratios.
Use headless Macs (servers) with any resolution and HiDPI mode for remote access.
Create Picture in Picture window for any real or dummy displays. (Pro)
Redirect your display’s contents (real or dummy) to an other screen via streaming. (Pro)
If you are using a big TV up close, use the bottom half of your TV as a wide screen display (off-center streaming). (Pro)
Scale Sidecar resolutions. (Pro)
Portrait SideCar support. (Pro)
Better quality zooming (System Preferences»Accessibility»Zoom) or High Quality screenshots even on 1080p displays
Easily change the resolution of your real and dummy displays via a slider (or submenu) from the menubar.
Quickly accessible refresh rate and screen rotation menu.
Simplify creating mirrored sets. (Pro)
Easily move around displays relative to each other using the app menu.
Quickly designate a display to be main display.
Associate dummies with displays for auto connect/disconnect.
Keyboard shortcuts for basic operations.
Advanced keyboard shortcuts support. (Pro)
Custom dummies (resolution, orientation, naming). (Pro)
Create a dummy optimized for a real display. (Pro)


Added native XDR brightness upscaling with unclipped HDR video – #2536
Added overlay Metal filter based HDR upscaling method as a fallback option – #2539
Enabled Metal HDR upscaling for Intel – #2566
Added zooming option to streaming – magnify, reduce, can be off-centered with snap controls – #2547
Added 1:1 pixel mapped scaling (no-scaling) option for streaming – #1949
Restructure CLI command syntax to be a bit more simple to use (while retaining compatibility with earlier style) – #2524
Add option to show Color Profile selector for XDR displays as well – #2531
Added self-serve license deactivation with key and activation id to CLI license management – #2523
Added option to detach from brightness keys when only a display with native controls is present with all software control disabled – #2544
Move Quit button to under Tools menu (with option to revert) + ability to hide Quit altogether – #2551
Show Metal device name under display info section (useful on Intel with eGPUs) – #2562
Combined brightness should not be enabled by default when native XDR upscaling is enabled – #2545
Added options to tweak native XDR upscaling ranges – #2546
Make combined brightness work with Metal overlay upscaling as well – #2561
Improved performance of CLI integration – #2552
When a CLI command is not understood, the app is launching a second copy of the app instead of giving some error message – #2553
Localization updates (see details below)


App crash on wake (NSBezierPath bug) – #2543
The integrated CLI help has various typos and errors – #2529
BetterDisplay does not recognize some custom presets as XDR upscaling capable – #2535
Overlay dimming does not apply properly to full screen applications – #2554
When enabling/disabling color adjustments, the software brightness slider is not updating properly – #2558
XDR/HDR upscaling calibration slider does not respond beyond existing maximum calibrated brightness value – #2560
Increasing XDR screen brightness via macOS can overblow XDR upscaling in non-combined mode – #2563

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