Employees at Apple supplier Flex’s India plant stage one-day strike

Demanding higher wages for the next three years and the recognition of a union, hundreds of workers at a manufacturing plant of Apple supplier Flex in India’s Tamil Nadu state staged a one-day strike on Friday.


Many electronics manufacturers in India, including Foxconn and Pegatron, lack a union, while automobile factories have higher levels of organizing, according to labour welfare workers.

At Flex, unhappy over wages and policies, including tour allowances and medical leaves, all permanent workers, about 750, joined the Centre of Indian Trade Union, said union secretary E. Muthukumar.

He added Flex, which makes chargers for Apple, was unwilling to recognise the union at the plant, which employs roughly 4,000 people, including contractors who did not join the strike.

Workers will return to the factory for the third and final shift, Muthukumar said, adding the union will decide on the next steps depending on the outcome of future negotiations.

“As house rents, education fees and other expenses have increased, it is not possible to sustain a livelihood with the current salary,” the union had informed Flex in a letter reviewed by Reuters.

MacDailyNews Note: The extent to which the stroke affected overall production is unclear.

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[Thanks to MacDailyNews Reader “Fred Mertz” for the heads up.]

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