Apple Vision Pro is not meant for the average consumer
Apple Vision Pro: Apple’s first spatial computer
If the $3,499 starting price wasn’t enough to dissuade average consumers from running out to buy an Apple Vision Pro, reports from users of becoming uncomfortable after wearing the device for a relatively short amount of time, should be.
Apple isn’t one to skimp on the look and feel of its products, and the Vision Pro has a characteristically slick aesthetic. Unfortunately, the premium materials that make up the headset—primarily the aluminum chassis and glass optics—are much heavier than the plastic and other lightweight components found in competing mixed-reality headsets…
Jitesh Ubrani, a research manager at the tech analyst firm IDC, says the Vision Pro is bound to cause friction because it is a product intended as a developer kit, rather than something truly meant for the average consumer.
“I think Apple realizes there would be this sort of backlash, but it’s the kind of backlash they’d be willing to accept as collateral damage,” Ubrani says. “Really they’re trying to make inroads with the developers right now.”
The tethered battery pack, weight, and exorbitant $3,500 price tag are all indicators that this is not a product meant for the average consumer. It’s meant for people willing to pay for the privilege of using Apple’s device—and bear the sometimes uncomfy burden of wearing it—if it means getting to build applications for it.
MacDailyNews Take: Yup.
The most important product for Apple for 2024 will be the iPhone, as it will continue to be for many years to come. Vision Pro is the most important product for early adopters of spatial computing and for visionOS developers for 2024. – MacDailyNews, December 26, 2023
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