Apple’s iPhones, MacBooks, and Apple Watches are about to get super-thin

The new iPad Pro is the thinnest Apple product ever, taking portability to a whole new level.

Over the past few years, post-Jony Ives, Apple appeared to be shifting away from making devices as thin and light as possible, but the company’s new iPad Pro isn’t an anomaly, it reportedly sets the stage for thinner iPhones, MacBooks and Apple Watches.

Mark Gurman for Bloomberg News:

I’m told that Apple is now focused on developing a significantly skinnier phone in time for the iPhone 17 line in 2025. It’s also working to make the MacBook Pro and Apple Watch thinner. The plan is for the latest iPad Pro to be the beginning of a new class of Apple devices that should be the thinnest and lightest products in their categories across the whole tech industry.

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MacDailyNews Take: We’ll just leave these here:

We’ve had to endure years of inferior keyboards in order to shave off half a millimeter about which no one not named Jony gave a rat’s ass.MacDailyNews, April 2, 2019

Enough with the thin. Everything is thin enough. Sometimes too thin. Thinner isn’t the answer to everything, nor is thinness intrinsic to good design. We’d gladly take a bit more robustness and battery life over more unnecessary thinness, thanks.MacDailyNews, June 25, 2018

What’d be wrong with slightly thicker iPhone with more battery life and a flush camera assembly? — MacDailyNews, December 21, 2015

The law of diminishing returns can also be applied to industrial design. Apple’s eternal quest for thinness eventually runs into issues such as bulging camera assemblies, battery capacity, strength (breakability), etc. – is Apple’s quest for thinness now bordering on the quixotic? So, is it “you can never be too thin” or is it “thin enough is thin enough?”MacDailyNews, December 21, 2015

If Apple made an iPhone model that was the smartphone equivalent of the Panasonic Toughbook — thick, heavy, full of battery, and virtually indestructible — they’d never be able to make enough of them.MacDailyNews, November 2, 2018

See also: With Jony Ive gone, Apple is finally willing to make products thicker so they work better – November 13, 2019

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