Apple preps new M4-powered Mac Pro and Mac Studio models for release in second half of 2025

Apple’s Mac Studio and Mac Pro, the two most powerful Macs ever made.

Apple is prepping new M4-powered Mac Pro and Mac Studio models for launch sometime in the the second half of next year.

Mark Gurman for Bloomberg News:

The M4 iMacs, MacBook Pros (low- and high-end versions) and Mac minis (low- and high-end models as well) are due between the end of 2024 and early 2025.

New MacBook Airs are coming in the spring of 2025, and the Mac Pro and Mac Studio models will arrive around the second half of next year.

This will mark the first time Apple is bringing a new chip family to every Mac it makes. The move follows the addition of the M4 to the iPad Pro in May.

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