Solutions to Saturday Mac riddles 267

I hope that you enjoyed Saturday’s Mac Riddles, episode 267. Here are my solutions to them.

1: Where the store requires apps and kids to play in safety and grip the rails.

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Where the store requires apps (it’s a requirement of the App Store) and kids to play in safety (a sandbox) and grip the rails (also used by railway locos to apply to slippery rails to improve grip).

2: Benefit of a rightful claim to go beyond the confines of 1.

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Benefit of a rightful claim (an entitlement) to go beyond the confines of 1 (what an app entitlement does for a sandboxed app).

3: ISO 688 could be intermodal folder for 1, but only in ~/Library.

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ISO 688 could be intermodal (a shipping container) folder for 1 (what it is in macOS), but only in ~/Library (the only place you should find them).

The common factor

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They are parts of the app sandbox system in macOS.

I look forward to your putting alternative cases.