CM PDF & TIFF Page Extractor – Extract and save PDF pages in various image formats.

CM PDF & TIFF Page Extractor is designed to extract pages from within your PDF files into a new PDF file, multi-page TIFF, JPG, or PNG file. It works with the powerful PDF framework from within OS X, but enhances it further by allowing you to work with a huge batch of PDF or multi-page TIFF files at one go.


Extract a page or pages from a PDF or multi-page TIFF File
Save extracted pages as PDF, multi-page TIFF, PNG, or JPG
Set dots per inch of extracted pages
Convert PDF to multi-page TIFF, and multi-page TIFF to PDF
Perform the entire process in one quick batch
Extract pages from a range (from page .. to page)
Launch created file in Preview app
PDF and multi-page TIFF files are a great format for keeping documents in a single neat package and are commonplace in our modern life. Not only that, they are eco-friendly as they reduce the number of trees which needs to be cut down.


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